dennis savini photography
Stadelhoferstrasse 28.2
8001 Zürich
mobile: 078 860 22 46
about me
As a photographer, I am an experienced team-player. I am used to working in concepts given by agencies or developed individually for the client.
Quality is no coincidence. My goal is to go for a perfect job even under difficult conditions. And, above all, I do love my job.
I’m engaged in my profession in different ways. I’ve been training
apprentices since 1980. I also enjoyed giving different workshops for
professionals in Switzerland and abroad next to writing info-brochures.
While giving workshops for professionals at home and abroad, i reckognized how little importance is given to vocational training in many countries. That’s why I wrote a workshop-book on studio photography to be published in 2011 by „Verlag Photographie“, which has been published in english and chinese since.
I’m engaged in the vocational training and education for fotodesigners in Switzerland. So it goes without saying that i was co-founder and former president and member of the association of fotodesigners itself, called vfg, vereinigung fotografischer gestalter.
Since 2005 I’ve also been partner and course-instructor in our own cap-fotoschule in zurich, training future professional photographers.
I believe that the future of our profession is up to us and enjoy contributing my share.